Events Store News

15% OFF in Celebration of “Squid Game”! CLICK!

As many of you know, the Korean series “Squid Game” recently topped the Netflix charts drawing in a whopping 111 million viewers worldwide!! As a Korean family taking pride in spreading our culture outside of Korea, this makes us ecstatic! Whether you are into that genre of TV shows or not, the popularity gained by the series is a reflection that there must be something that we’re doing right. Since Psy’s Gangnam Style back in 2012, then BTS, then “Parasite” and the numerous K-dramas and K-beauty products, Korea’s presence in…

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Korea Insights Store News

Learn about DALGONA, the sugar candy in “Squid Game”!

If you’re Korean and grew up in Korea, then chances are you will know about DALGONA (aka “ppop-gi”), the sugar candy that was sold on the streets especially around schools. It’s a very traditional part of Korean culture and childhood for most. After school, we would hang around the small stores nearby and buy a snack or drink of which one was Dalgona, a toffee-like candy made by cooking sugar and soda over a fire. These sweets aren’t that special in terms of their ingredients, yet make up a special…

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